Discover Edge.Trace: Your Track and Trace Solution for Enhanced Production Efficiency and Seamless Traceability.

Edge.Trace Track and Trace Interface for enhanced production and logistics tracking

Full Control and Transparency Over Your Products

With our advanced technology, we provide you with a 100% connected, database-driven, and fully integrable traceability solution, tailored specifically to your individual needs.
Track and Trace Application HMI Statistics View for operational insights
With Edge.Trace, it’s easy to drastically reduce the time spent searching for a product or identifying the cause of potential manufacturing issues. Thanks to our innovative use of sensors, readers, and scanning technologies, you can create a complete dataset for every product as it moves through your manufacturing facility.

Comprehensive Operational Overview and Quality Control

Our track-and-trace solution provides you with a comprehensive operational overview, giving you complete visibility into what is happening in your supply chain or production. With Edge.Trace, you can capture data and transform it into actionable information for quality control, streamline processes, and optimize production.

Diagram of a Track-and-Trace system overview for production and logistics, showing components like sensors, scanners, AI-driven data processing, real-time monitoring, and ERP integration.

Edge.Trace: The Track-and-Trace Solution for Seamless Integration of Your Systems

Digitalization and data collection in production and image processing open up nearly limitless opportunities to optimize your operations. With Edge.Trace, you can fully leverage these opportunities. Our solution enables seamless integration of a wide range of systems and devices, ensuring a smooth flow of information. Edge.Trace provides you with the flexibility you need.

Systematische Darstellung eines Track-and-Trace-Produktionssystems



Systematische Darstellung eines Track-and-Trace-Logistiksystems
Darstellung der Integration von Fremdsystemen in ein Track-and-Trace-System

ERP Systems and Databases

Ready to Revolutionize Your Manufacturing and Logistics Processes?

Discover Edge.Trace, the ultimate solution for efficient track-and-trace and traceability. Leverage the benefits of transparency, efficiency, and quality that Edge.Trace provides.


Transform your manufacturing and logistics processes – quickly and efficiently. Leverage our comprehensive service and support planning with Edge.Trace. Benefit from expert consulting, custom development of track-and-trace applications, best practices, and in-depth knowledge of industries and technologies.

Reference: EDEKA

Discover how Edge.Trace works in practice. Learn more about our successful implementation at EDEKA and how we significantly increased the efficiency and transparency of the supply chain. Visit our reference page to explore this and other success stories.